Falls Under 40, a Young Professional Group, is geared towards those who are looking to build connections with other people and find opportunities in the area. The group will provide networking opportunities. Develop yourself as young professional (Lunch and Learn; Coffee and Conversation, Dinner and...well you get the point). Engage in our community! We'll be doing fun social events where we may be volunteering or just learning something new & different about this great community and those that live in Thief River Falls.
Click here to fill out the 2024 Membership Application online. OR
click here to download the application.
Application and payment can be dropped off at the TRF Chamber (Carnegie Library) or mail to: TRF Chamber of Commerce - 102 Main Ave. N, Thief River Falls, MN 56701 or email the application at fallsunder40trf@gmail.com. Payment also accepted on Venmo at FallsUnderForty-TRFHOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
A yearly fee of $30.
Board Members